Hello! During this busy time of year I love projects that are quick and easy, but rewarding. Today, I'm going to share with you a super quick and easy, but really cute ornament. (cheap, too!) I have to warn you, these ornaments are addictive!
So, let's gather up our supplies:

You're going to need some snow flake ornaments found just about anywhere. I purchased mine at Target last year when they went on clearance, but I'm quite certain I saw them there this year as well. The larger packs are 2 for $1, and the smaller ornaments are 4 for $1. Yep, cheap.
You will also need some lace scraps,
Stickles glitter glue, (I used and adore Platinum), a little bit of tinsel, and some
vanilla posies.

You'll also need some strong adhesive, (I used
The Ultimate glue which is my number one go to glue for anything that really needs to stick.) scissors, and
Glimmer Mist. I used a little Tattered Rose, and Creme de Cocoa for this project. Old Lace, Vintage Pink, or Tea Rose would also be great color choices.
That's all you need. We're ready to get started now.

First, spritz your snowflakes with the Glimmer Mists. You can see here how the Creme de Cocoa gives the bright white snowflake a subtle "aged" feel. The pink can be used as lightly as you would like. Some of mine ended up a little more pink than I wanted, but it's ok, we cover up quite a bit of the snowflake. Set those aside to dry.
Here are two images you might like to use.

Both of these images are from my stash, but some of the other ornaments I will show you use images I purchased
here. There are also other wonderful sellers on etsy that have beautiful images and plenty of free images on the internet.
You can click on these images to make them larger, then right click and save to your computer. Open them up in some sort of editing program and crop them into circles. For the smaller ornaments I cropped my images to 2", and for the larger ornaments I used 3" circles. I printed some of my images on cardstock, and some on fabric. The fabric just gives a softer image and texture.

Use your circles as templates and also cut yourself some circles of vintage
sheet music. 
Glue your image to the front of the snowflake. If you're not using The Ultimate glue, you will need to use some sort of strong adhesive as the glitter makes the image difficult to stick.

Glue your sheet music circle to the back. (you can really use any kind of paper here, even more cardstock) This is simply to cover any of your work from the front and to give the back a nice finished look. You can also sign and date your ornaments here.

Add a little scrap of lace.

Cut and trim a little piece of tinsel. Glue it in place on top of your lace.

Glue on a little paper posie that has been lightly spritzed with a touch of Creme de Cocoa and Tattered Rose Glimmer Mist. This ages the posies beautifully.

Then, outline your image with the Stickles. When the Platinum Stickles dries, it looks just like tarnished silver. I love it. I also added a little dot of Stickles to the center of my flower. That's it! I told you that was easy!
Now, you can add a length of ribbon, or lace to the top of your ornament and hang on your tree. You could leave the ribbon off and use these as gift toppers. Hang a bunch of them in the varrying sizes from your chandeliers or ceiling for a Christmas party. Lots of things you can do with them!
Here are a few variations.

I used fabric paper on these.

I also used fabric paper on this one, and I added a vintage crocheted trim all the way around. Then I very lightly added the Platinum Stickles.

For this larger ornament, I printed my image on cardstock, and cut random bits from my vintage lace stash. I then just glued those around my image, layering until I was happy with the look. I topped the lace w/ Stickles, making sure the rough edges of my lace was showing. I added 3 posies to this one as it's quite a bit larger.
That is it!
I really hope you enjoy this little project. If you have any questions, please let me know, I'll be happy to help. I would of course love to see any ornaments you might make.
Cerri xoxo