Hello everyone! Are you all planning your Mother's day dinners and teas? I'm planning a little event here at my house for my favorite ladies, my Mom and Grandma, and thought I would share with you one of my ideas, a place setting you can eat! That's right, the cameo box pictured above is actually made of candy melts and you can not only eat the contents, but also the entire box if you would like!
This tutorial was actually a collaboration between my daughter and myself. She very sweetly offered to help me with this today. So, let's gather your supplies.

You'll need candy melts that you can purchase at any craft store. We chose pink and white for our cameo boxes.

You will also need a chocolate mold which we purchased right
here at my friend Amanda's wonderful shop. You will also need a pastry bag, (or just a larger ziploc baggie will work just fine too), a spoon, toothpicks, and something to melt your chocolate in. (you can use paper bowls, or any microwave safe dish) That's it!

Because microwaves vary, and ours is old, I don't want to give you an exact time to melt your chocolate wafers, but we just melt for 30 seconds at a time, and stir in between. Stirring is important as the candy melts may not look like they are melted, when they really are. PLEASE be careful when taking the dish in and out of the microwave as the dish gets very hot! You will want your candy melt to be of a totally melted consistency, but not super runny.

Once your candy melts are are at the right consistency you will want to spoon it into either a pastry bag or a ziploc baggie. We just used a ziploc bag and cut the corner off. Be sure to twist the bag to help you in piping the candy into the mold. Piping the candy into the mold gives you much more control than just spooning it in. Fill your mold with the melted mixture and then gently tap the mold on your kitchen counter to remove any bubbles.
Note: If you would like to add candy flavoring, you will do this before you spoon it into your bag and stir well. It only takes a drop of candy flavoring!

You will notice that the air bubbles are gone, and the candy melt does not overlap onto the mold. Pop your molds on a flat surface in your freezer for about 5-10 minutes. While the candy is cooling, you can prepare your embellishment color. (we chose pink)

When your cameo box is ready to easily pop out of the mold it is ready. If you have any trouble releasing your box, you can freeze it just a bit longer, or carefully go around the mold with a tooth pick to release it.

Now, you can certainly leave your boxes as is, and they are beautiful simply plain, but if you know me, I need to embellish a little. We melted a few pink candy melts and using a tooth pick, I added little polka dots all around the edge of my cameo box top.

I also added dots of the pink candy to my cameos earrings and necklace. You could also add a little color to the roses if you wanted. In fact, you could color the entire cameo with a tiny paint brush and various colors of candy melts if you would like!

Now, you can fill your box with mints, M&M's, or any other tiny candies.

We chose pastel colored butter mints. Add your pretties dishes, a
paper doily, and a name tag, and I'm sure your guests will be thrilled!

You could also place these in a
pretty pastry box, or a food safe gift bag and tie it up with
pretty ribbons to give as a gift at your Mother's day brunch!
I hope you will enjoy making these wonderful, edible gift boxes!
Cerri and Trintge xoxo
Edited: I see the cameo boxes are already sold out, but I talked to Amanda and she said they should be back in stock in about a week, so check back then.
This is ever so fabulous Cerri!!! Thanks for sharing how this works!
I could never ever eat this gorgeous box lol
xoxo~ Carola
I would have a hard time eating the box too - it's just so beautiful. Thanks to you both for sharing this with us!
OH I love it. My Nana used to love her Cameos. I wish I had the mold.
This is so cool! It would be so hard to eat!lol How sweet you got to make it together.
Thanks for sharing,
I LOVE this idea! And call me a glutton but I'd have no problems eating the box; late @ night when I'm jones'ing for chocolate. ;o) I'd save the lid though. LOL
thank you Trin and Cerri!!! i fell in love with the beautiful candies when Cerri showed them on her blog...i SO want to give these a try...they are really gorgeous!!!
oh, nooooooo...the molds are all sold:(...i hope Amanda is going to have more in stock!!! soon!!!
What a lovely idea. I'm usually so burnt out by mothers day I forget to spoil my mom. She deserves it though. Thanks for the inspiration and the fabulous tutorial.
Cari b.
Simply lovely! I've never used candy molds, I'd love to try something like this! Thanks for sharing! ~Heidi
Love~adore! Now stalking the molds.
Awesome project and tutorial! Thanks for sharing this gals!! I just love the cameo box!
This is beautiful! So sweet of you to share the tutorial. I fell in love with the tea molds you showed on your blog earlier, Cerri, & tracked some down to make for a recent Spring Tea. Now I want to make the cameo box too!
Jane - Jacksonville
How beautiful! I wish my granddaughters lived closer so we could do this together. This is a great gift idea that I would love to do. Thank you!
Hey..who has my Nana's Johnson Brother's Rose Chintz china???
Seems so odd to see it on the Internet...I've been eating off those plates since 1960!
Hello, I the plates are mine, and they are actually reproductions I found at Home Goods. I LOVE them. :)
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