Sunday, September 28, 2008

Coming Soon!

Check back with us soon! You don't want to miss the announcement!


Samantha said...

Such a pretty blog design! did a great job! Can't wait til November. Thank you ladies!!!

Alisa Noble said...

Oh... I am SO excited about this! Can't wait!

linnea-maria said...

So fun!!! I would like to join and can't wait. Is it ok to join the flickr group?? The very best regards /linnea-maria

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Blog Design...

Love the Christmas Music, too!

I can feel the excitement in the air... Thanks, again, for setting all of this up, ladies!!

Linda Summerfield said...

I will be here waiting...

Boxwood Cottage said...

I'm soooo looking forward to all your projects, I just now it's going to be fabulicious!!!
Warmest wishes from Germany sends

Caleen said...

I am very excited and can't wait to join. What do I have to do? Thanks!

Nelly said...

Oooh, bravo! How fun. I'm looking forward to it.

Pearl Maple said...

oohhhh I can feel the Christmas magic building from here :) bookmarked and diary noted for lots of fun times ahead.